What does SCATSAT mean? What is the full form of SCATSAT?

The Full Form of SCATSAT is Scatterometer Satellite.

scatterometer or diffusionmeter is a scientific instrument to measure the return of a beam of light or radar waves scattered by diffusion in a medium such as air. Diffusionmeters using visible light are found in airports or along roads to measure horizontal visibility. Radar scatterometers use radio or microwaves to determine the normalized radar cross section (σ0, “sigma zero” or “sigma naught”) of a surface. They are often mounted on weather satellites to find wind speed and direction, and are used in industries to analyze the roughness of surfaces.



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Do you want to know What does SCATSAT mean? What is the full form of SCATSAT?. Are you looking for What does SCATSAT mean? What is the full form of SCATSAT? What is SCATSAT stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of SCATSAT. The Full Form of SCATSAT is‍ Scatterometer Satellite
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