What does TERM mean? What is the full form of TERM?

The Full Form of TERM is Telecom Enforcement Resource and Monitoring.

Telecom Enforcement Resource and Monitoring (TERM), formerly known as Vigilance Telecom Monitoring (VTM), is the vigilance and monitoring wing of the Indian Department of Telecommunications (DoT). TERM is made up of 34 Cells in India’s 22 telecom circles and 10 large telecom districts, each headed by a Senior Administrative Grade (SAG) level officer, termed as Deputy Director General (DDG). The main functions of TERM Cells are vigilance, monitoring and security of the network. Apart from this, TERM Cells also operate the Central Monitoring System (CMS), a clandestine mass electronic surveillance program, and carry out other functions. The TERM Cells function as the subordinate offices of the DoT in the field. These Cells represent the Telegraph Authority and the Licensor.



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Do you want to know What does TERM mean? What is the full form of TERM?. Are you looking for What does TERM mean? What is the full form of TERM? What is TERM stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of TERM. The Full Form of TERM is‍ Telecom Enforcement Resource and Monitoring
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