What does TGA mean? What is the full form of TGA?

The Full Form of TGA is‍ Therapeutic Goods Administration.

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) is Australia’s regulatory authority for therapeutic goods. We carry out a range of assessment and monitoring activities to ensure therapeutic goods available in Australia are of an acceptable standard with the aim of ensuring that the Australian community has access, within a reasonable time, to therapeutic advances.

The Therapeutic Goods Administration is a Commonwealth Government agency that regulates medical devices and drugs. Prescription medicines and over-the-counter medicines which meet Australian standards of quality, safety and efficacy are included on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods. Medicines may be registered or listed. Registered products are thoroughly evaluated and are labelled with an AUST R number. Listed products, such as complementary medicines, do not have to undergo the same assessments and are labelled with an AUST L number. They are not routinely evaluated before marketing, but are subject to a random audit after listing. Some medicines, such as those compounded for individual patients, are not regulated.



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Do you want to know What does TGA mean? What is the full form of TGA?. Are you looking for What does TGA mean? What is the full form of TGA? What is TGA stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of TGA. The Full Form of TGA is‍ Therapeutic Goods Administration
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