What does TMCFT mean? What is the full form of TMCFT?

The Full Form of TMCFT is‍ Thousand Million Cubic Feet.

Tmcft, (Tmc ft), (TMC), (tmc), is the abbreviation of one thousand million cubic feet (1,000,000,000 = 109 = 1 billion), commonly used in India in reference to volume of water in a reservoir or river flow

1 tmc ft is one thousand million cubic feet of water. This is 28316.85 million litres of water. If there was 1 tmc ft of water in the dam and this was to be pumped equally, every day for 365 days in a year to the city, 77.58 million litres per day would be available to the city.

Cusec is a measure of the rate of flow still commonly used by the irrigation department. 1 cusec is one cubic foot of water flow per second. It translates into 28.32 litres of water per second. If 1 cusec of water is released from a dam for the whole day, 2.45 million litres of water would have flown in the river in the 24 hours.

A common mistake made by many is to add up cusecs. If 600 cusecs of water was released for one day and 900 cusecs the next day, it does not mean that 1,500 cusecs of water was released in 2 days.

A common way to describe the yield of a new borewell is to say that 2 inches of water was struck. What does this ‘2 inches’ of water mean? It is actually the free, unrestrained flow of water from a borewell over a 90 degree ‘V’ notch.



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Do you want to know What does TMCFT mean? What is the full form of TMCFT?. Are you looking for What does TMCFT mean? What is the full form of TMCFT? What is TMCFT stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of TMCFT. The Full Form of TMCFT is‍ Thousand Million Cubic Feet
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