What does SBU mean? What is the full form of SBU?

The Full Form of SBU is‍ Strategic business unit.

A strategic business unit, popularly known as SBU, is a fully-functional unit of a business that has its own vision and direction. Typically, a strategic business unit operates as a separate unit, but it is also an important part of the company. It reports to the headquarters about its operational status.

A strategic business unit or SBU operates as an independent entity, but it has to report directly to the headquarters of the organisation about the status of its operation. It operates independently and is focused on a target market. It is big enough to have its own support functions such as HR, training departments etc. There are several benefits of having an SBU. This principle works best for organisations which have multiple product structure. The best example of SBU are companies like Proctor and Gamble, LG etc. These companies have different product categories under one roof. For example, LG as a company makes consumer durables.

It makes refrigerators, washing machines, air-conditioners as well as televisions. These small units are formed as separate SBUs so that revenues, costs as well as profits can be tracked independently. Once a unit is given an SBU status, it can make its own decisions, investments, budgets etc. It will be quick to react when the product market takes a shift or changes start happening before the shift happens.



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Do you want to know What does SBU mean? What is the full form of SBU?. Are you looking for What does SBU mean? What is the full form of SBU? What is SBU stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of SBU. The Full Form of SBU is‍ Strategic business unit
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