What does TP mean? What is the full form of TP?

1, The full form of TP is Toilet Paper. It’s used on Business ,Products in Worldwide

Toilet Paper (TP) is a soft tissue paper product primarily used for wiping oneself clean after urination or defecation.

2, The full form of TP is TAP Portugal. It’s used on Transport & Travel ,Airline Codes in Portugal

TAP Portugal (IATA code: TP, ICAO: TAP) is the national airline of Portugal.

3, The full form of TP is Twisted Pair. It’s used on Computing ,Networking in Worldwide

Twisted Pair (TP) cable consisting of two wires twisted around each other, used especially for telephone or computer applications.

4, The full form of TP is Transport Protocol. It’s used on Computing ,Protocols in Worldwide

Transport Protocol (TP) implies transport services, which includes the lower-level data link protocol that moves packets from one node to another.

5, The full form of TP is Time Pass. It’s used on Miscellaneous ,Chat slang in Worldwide

TP stands for “Time Pass” in chat.

6, The full form of TP is Triple Play. It’s used on Sports & Games ,Baseball in Worldwide

Triple Play (TP) is the rare act of making three outs during the same continuous play in baseball.

7, The full form of TP is Twin Peaks. It’s used on News & Entertainment ,TV & Radio in United States

Twin Peaks (TP) is an American television serial drama created by Mark Frost and David Lynch.

8, The full form of TP is Turbopump. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Engineering in Worldwide

Turbopump (TP) is a pump designed to increase the pressure of a liquid or gas with the goal of increasing engine power or performance.



Toilet Paperhow to pronounce Toilet Paper

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TAP Portugalhow to pronounce TAP Portugal

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Twisted Pairhow to pronounce Twisted Pair

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Transport Protocolhow to pronounce Transport Protocol

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Time Passhow to pronounce Time Pass

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Triple Playhow to pronounce Triple Play

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Twin Peakshow to pronounce Twin Peaks

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Turbopumphow to pronounce Turbopump

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Do you want to know What does TP mean? What is the full form of TP?. Are you looking for What does TP mean? What is the full form of TP? What is TP stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of TP. The Full Form of TP is‍ Toilet Paper, TAP Portugal, Twisted Pair, Transport Protocol, Time Pass, Triple Play, Twin Peaks, Turbopump
You also might want to know: how to pronounce TP, how to pronounce Toilet Paper, how to pronounce TAP Portugal, how to pronounce Twisted Pair, how to pronounce Transport Protocol, how to pronounce Time Pass, how to pronounce Triple Play, how to pronounce Twin Peaks, how to pronounce Turbopump,
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What does TP mean? What is the full form of TP?
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