What does TSWREIS mean? What is the full form of TSWREIS?

The Full Form of TSWREIS is Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society.

Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (TSWREIS) is running 268 residential educational institutions (from 5th standard to Undergraduate level) in the state of Telangana under the Ministry of Scheduled Caste Development, Government of Telangana. The Society has been working with the noble aim of providing quality education to the needy and deprived children on par with the other advantaged children. The TSWREIS has been catering to the dire educational needs of the marginalized children especially Scheduled Caste (SC) children hailing from the remote rural areas of Telangana. Over the last three decades the Society has been cruising along the path of glory, and this depth finds reflection in the way the Society is excelling in academics, sports, mountaineering, communication skills, etc Apart from providing quality education to the children, the Society is making determined efforts to create an environment that builds their confidence levels, leadership and communication skills to meet the challenges of the 21st century. The TSWREIS hitherto part of the erstwhile APSWREI Society, emerged as an independent entity in the month of June, 2014.

The vision is to build an outstanding government educational institution which provides high quality holistic and value based education to the marginalized children on par with the other advantaged children.

The mission of the TSWREI Society is to prepare the students to face the challenges of the 21st century with a sense of self-confidence and collaborative behavior. The major task of the Society is to promote a range of learning opportunities in classroom and beyond to help students to realize their full potential to take advantage of opportunities in a globalized world.



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Do you want to know What does TSWREIS mean? What is the full form of TSWREIS?. Are you looking for What does TSWREIS mean? What is the full form of TSWREIS? What is TSWREIS stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of TSWREIS. The Full Form of TSWREIS is‍ Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society
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