What does UDAY mean? What is the full form of UDAY?

The Full Form of UDAY is Utkrisht Double Decker Air Conditioned Yatri.

Situated in Andhra Pradesh, the cities of Vishakhapatnam, also known as Vizag, and Vijaywada are located at a distance of 351 kms. While there are a number of trains operating between Vizag and Vijaywada on a daily basis, taking the duration between 6 to 8 hours, there is another addition to the list. Suresh Channabasappa Angadi, MoS, Minister of Railways, Government of India, officially inaugurated a new double-decker AC train from Vishakha to Vijayawada on Thursday, September 26. Named UDAY Express or the Utkrisht Double Decker Air Conditioned Yatri service, the train has brought in comfort to many daily passengers.

It will offer a comfortable and luxurious train travel experience to business travellers. The train is priced at Rs 525 from Vishakha to Vijayawada for AC chair car. It will provide faster connectivity between Vishakhapatnam and Vijaywada, covering the distance of 350 km in just 5 hours.



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Do you want to know What does UDAY mean? What is the full form of UDAY?. Are you looking for What does UDAY mean? What is the full form of UDAY? What is UDAY stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of UDAY. The Full Form of UDAY is‍ Utkrisht Double Decker Air Conditioned Yatri
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