What does UIIC mean? What is the full form of UIIC?

The Full Form of UIIC is‍ United India Insurance Company.

United India Insurance Company Limited is one of the preferred insurance providers in India which enjoys global recognition and footprint. It was established as an organisation in 1938, managed to nationalise itself as a General Insurance Business in 1972. Later, it got merged with 12 Indian Insurance Companies, 4 Cooperative Insurance Societies, Indian operations of 5 Foreign Insurers, and General Insurance operations of the southern region of Life Insurance Corporation of India. 

Today, the company acquires a workforce of 14,000 who work in 2,276 offices and deliver insurance coverage to its 1.74 crore policyholders. The United India Health Insurance offers a wide range of innovative insurance products such as individual plans, family floater plans, senior citizen plans, critical illness plan, top-up plan, and group health insurance plan to meet the healthcare needs of diverse customer segments. Over the years, by providing incredible products and customer service, the insurer has witnessed a staggering growth. 



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Do you want to know What does UIIC mean? What is the full form of UIIC?. Are you looking for What does UIIC mean? What is the full form of UIIC? What is UIIC stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of UIIC. The Full Form of UIIC is‍ United India Insurance Company
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What does UIIC mean? What is the full form of UIIC?
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