What does WMAF mean? What is the full form of WMAF?

The full form of WMAF is White Male, Asian Female
WMAF stands for “White Male, Asian Female”. A WMAF is defined as an unhealthy relationship between a Caucasian man and an Asian woman. The man is involved with the woman only because he sees her as an exotic sex object while the woman has a hatred of men of her own race and wishes to be white. Not every relationship between Caucasian men and Asian women are like this, of course.

Conversation Examples
Online Discussion

User 1: “I’d love to date an Asian chick.”
User 2: “To become a WMAF?”
User 1: “A what?”
User 3: “White Male, Asian Female. You think dating her be like anime and you’d spend all day making fun of Asian men and white women.”
User 2: “Yeah. Never go full WMAF.”
User 1: “What? No no no. I just want to date an Asian girl because all the white girls are b*****.”
User 3: “That’s a WMAF talking right there.”



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Do you want to know What does WMAF mean? What is the full form of WMAF?. Are you looking for What does WMAF mean? What is the full form of WMAF? What is WMAF stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of WMAF. The Full Form of WMAF is‍ White Male, Asian Female
You also might want to know: how to pronounce WMAF, how to pronounce White Male, Asian Female,
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What does WMAF mean? What is the full form of WMAF?
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