What does WSXGA+ mean? What is the full form of WSXGA+?

The full form of WSXGA+ is Wide Super Extended Graphics Array Plus

Like WXGA, WSXGA+ is also a display mode that’s meant to be an improved version of the standard XGA, except it has a screen resolution of 1440×900 with an aspect ratio of 15:10, which makes it more compatible with smaller screens.



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Do you want to know What does WSXGA+ mean? What is the full form of WSXGA+?. Are you looking for What does WSXGA+ mean? What is the full form of WSXGA+? What is WSXGA+ stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of WSXGA+. The Full Form of WSXGA+ is‍ Wide Super Extended Graphics Array Plus
You also might want to know: how to pronounce WSXGA+, how to pronounce Wide Super Extended Graphics Array Plus,
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What does WSXGA+ mean? What is the full form of WSXGA+?
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