AskWords请教「Top Notch」的意思
Jasonnpato asked 5 years ago


请问这是什么意思“ Top Notch”,您能给我一个例子来理解它在英语上下文中意思吗?

This question is: resolved

7 Answers

  • 好的,让我们从top开始,“ Top Notch”和“Top of the line”是同一回事,那每个单词是什么意思?

  • Top Notch和 top of the line均表示“最好!”或“级优秀!”。

    Best Answer
  • “His cooking is top of the line!”
    “His cooking is top notch!”


  • “ Top Notch”表示某事中最好的,而“ Top of the line”则表示最好中的最好,对吗?


    “BMW and Mercedes Benz are top of the line in automobile tecnology”
    “Verizon Wireless is top notch in customer service”


  • 您可以将这些短语用于很多事情:
    Top of the line通常指的是产品,但是Top Notch不受限制。例如:

    “His kisses are top notch.”
    “My dog’s tricks are top notch.”

    “The pasta that I ate last night was top notch.”

    “I have a top-of-the-line laptop computer.”
    “His new book includes his most top-of-the-line work.”
    “Wow, your car has a DVD player in it? Your car is top of the line.”

  • Top of the line”不仅包括产品,还包括服务? “ Top Notch” 则可以用于任何事情,对吧?

  • 你是对的。