Allusion 与 Illusion的不同以及用法详解

February 29, 2020


即使存在这些障碍,也并非不可能确定英文单词的含义以及正确使用它们。 Allusion和Illusion是两个经常使初学者或英语学习者感到困惑的单词,但是区分它们并不困难。

## Allusion和Illusion有什么区别?



Allusion是什么意思? Allusion是对其他事物的引用,尤其是在文学作品中(an expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly;),意思:典故。这里有些例子:

* The title of Rudyard Kipling’s The Sound and the Fury is an allusion to Shakespeare.
* S. Eliot’s “The Waste Land” has many allusions to Eastern religion and mythology.
* The candidate made frequent allusions to her opponents’ notorious verbal blunders.
* There has been talk of this album for years by potential collaborators and by Ocean himself, either directly or through allusions. –The Washington Post



Illusion是什么意思? Illusion传统上是指视觉的欺骗(错觉)(a thing that is or is likely to be wrongly perceived or interpreted by the senses.)。有时在伪装或隐藏真相的事物的上下文中使用它,例如在以下情况下:

* “This optical illusion hurts my eyes,” said Thomas.
* The appearance of strength was an illusion, and beneath her confident exterior, Emily was plagued by self-doubt.
* Samir bought expensive clothes to give the illusion of wealth, but in reality, he was deep in debt.
* It is an illusion to think that, by waiting in line, we are buying complete safety. In every domain, we make a trade-off between risks and costs. We do not post 10-mile-per-hour speed limits on all highways, even though that would be safer. –The New York Times



您可能还记得使用Illusion来指代视觉欺骗,因为它包含ill一词。因此你只要 记住Illusion会让你产生ill的不适感。通过记住这一点,您在写作中是选择Illusion或Allusion应该不会有困惑了。


