The Difference Between Raise and Raze

May 22, 2024
The Difference Between Raise and Raze

The Difference Between Raise and Raze

The Difference Between Raise and Raze


The words “raise” and “raze” come from Old English and have different meanings.

How to Use:

Raise: To lift or move something upwards.
Raze: To completely destroy or demolish something.

Trick to Remember the Difference:

Think of “raise” as making something “rise” up and “raze” as ripping something into “razor” sharp pieces.

Examples of Raise:

1. Please raise your hand if you know the answer.
2. The sun will raise in the East tomorrow.
3. We need to raise money for the school charity.
4. Can you help me raise this heavy box?
5. She loves to raise her voice in song.

Examples of Raze:

1. The old building was razed to make room for a new park.
2. The hurricane razed the entire town to the ground.
3. The invading army decided to raze the enemy’s fortress.
4. The government plans to raze the unsafe structure.
5. The wildfire threatened to raze the entire forest.


Raise means to lift or move something up, while Raze means to totally destroy or demolish something. Remember “raise” for lifting and “raze” for destroying.