In English, some words look and sound similar but have different meanings. “Disburse” and “disperse” are two such words. Let’s learn what they mean, their history, and how you can remember their differences.
Meaning: “Disburse” means to pay out money from a fund.
History: This word comes from the Latin word “disbursare,” which means to “pay money out of a purse.”
How to Use: We use “disburse” when talking about giving or paying money.
Example Sentences:
Meaning: “Disperse” means to scatter or spread things or people over a wide area.
History: This word comes from the Latin word “dispersus,” which means to “scatter or spread widely.”
How to Use: We use “disperse” when talking about spreading or scattering.
Example Sentences:
Think of “disburse” with “b” for “budget” or “bills,” meaning money. Think of “disperse” with “p” for “people” or “particles,” meaning to spread.
“Disburse” means paying out or giving money, while “disperse” means spreading out or scattering people or things. Remembering the little trick will help you use these words correctly!
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