Repression vs Suppression: Understanding the Key Differences and Usage

March 20, 2025
Repression vs Suppression: Understanding the Key Differences and Usage

Repression vs Suppression: Understanding the Key Differences and Usage

Understanding Repression vs Suppression

In English, some words seem the same, but they have different meanings. Two such words are repression and suppression. Let’s learn what these words mean, how to use them, and a trick to remember the difference.

What is Repression?

Repression means holding back feelings, thoughts, or desires, often without knowing it. It can happen inside our minds. Sometimes, we do not even know we are doing it because our mind hides thoughts from us.


The word repression comes from the Latin word “reprimere,” which means “to press back.” It started being used in English a long time ago.

How to Use Repression

  • Repression often happens when we want to forget something.
  • We may repress sad memories.
  • Children sometimes repress scary thoughts.
  • You might repress feelings of anger without knowing.
  • Repression can make it hard to remember past events.

What is Suppression?

Suppression is when we choose not to show thoughts or feelings. It is something we do on purpose and is about stopping things from coming out.


The word suppression also comes from Latin. It comes from “supprimere,” meaning “to press down.” It too has been used in English for many years.

How to Use Suppression

  • You can suppress a laugh if you are in a quiet place.
  • People suppress tears to not cry in front of others.
  • It is common to suppress worries to stay calm.
  • A person might suppress the urge to shout in anger.
  • Teachers sometimes suppress a smile when students make jokes in class.

Trick to Remember the Difference

Repression is often not a choice; it’s like forgetting without thinking. Suppression is a choice; it’s like pressing down on thoughts or feelings.


Repression and suppression both involve holding back feelings and thoughts, but they do it in different ways. Repression happens without us choosing, while suppression is something we decide to do.

Use repression when talking about hidden thoughts or feelings. Use suppression when you mean to stop something by choice.