What does HID mean? What is the full form of HID?

1, The full form of HID is High-Intensity Discharge. It’s used on Technology ,General in Worldwide

High-Intensity Discharge (HID) lamp is a type of electrical gas-discharge lamp which produces light by means of an electric arc between electrodes housed inside an arc tube. HID lights can be recognized by their extremely bright white or bluish light. They provide better illumination and efficient in converting electrical energy into light energy, have a longer service life.

2, The full form of HID is Human Interface Device. It’s used on Computing ,Hardware in Worldwide

A Human Interface Device (HID) is a type of computer device that interacts directly or takes input from humans. Examples for HID includes keyboard, mouse, joystick, etc.

3, The full form of HID is Hazardous Installations Directorate. It’s used on Governmental ,Departments & Agencies in United Kingdom

Hazardous Installations Directorate (HID) takes care of the effective regulation and risk control of major hazard industries in United Kingdom.



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Human Interface Devicehow to pronounce Human Interface Device

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Hazardous Installations Directoratehow to pronounce Hazardous Installations Directorate

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Do you want to know What does HID mean? What is the full form of HID?. Are you looking for What does HID mean? What is the full form of HID? What is HID stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of HID. The Full Form of HID is‍ High-Intensity Discharge, Human Interface Device, Hazardous Installations Directorate
You also might want to know: how to pronounce HID, how to pronounce High-Intensity Discharge, how to pronounce Human Interface Device, how to pronounce Hazardous Installations Directorate,
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What does HID mean? What is the full form of HID?
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