English Words Beginning with U

November 12, 2019
  • ubiquitous
  • ubiquity
  • udder
  • UFO
  • ugh
  • ugliness
  • ugly
  • uh
  • uh-huh
  • uh-oh
  • uh-uh
  • U.K.
  • ulcer
  • ulterior
  • ultimate
  • ultimately
  • ultimatum
  • ultrasonic
  • ultrasound
  • ultraviolet
  • um
  • umbilical cord
  • umbrella
  • umpire
  • umpteen
  • umpteenth
  • UN
  • unabashed
  • unabated
  • unable
  • unabridged
  • unacceptable
  • unacceptably
  • unaccompanied
  • unaccountable
  • unaccountably
  • unadulterated
  • unaffected
  • unaided
  • un-American
  • unanimity
  • unanimous
  • unanimously
  • unarmed
  • unassuming
  • unattached
  • unattended
  • unattractive
  • unauthorized
  • unavailable
  • unavoidable
  • unavoidably
  • unaware
  • unawares
  • unbalanced
  • unbearable
  • unbearably
  • unbeatable
  • unbeaten
  • unbelievable
  • unbelievably
  • unborn
  • unbounded
  • unbridled
  • unbroken
  • unbutton
  • uncalled-for
  • uncannily
  • uncanny
  • uncertain
  • uncertainly
  • uncertainty
  • unchanged
  • uncharacteristic
  • uncharacteristically
  • uncharted
  • unchecked
  • uncle
  • unclean
  • unclear
  • Uncle Sam
  • uncomfortable
  • uncomfortably
  • uncommon
  • uncommonly
  • uncompromising
  • unconcerned
  • unconditional
  • unconditionally
  • unconfirmed
  • unconscionable
  • unconscious
  • unconsciously
  • unconsciousness
  • unconstitutional
  • uncontrollable
  • uncontrollably
  • uncontrolled
  • unconventional
  • uncouth
  • uncover
  • uncut
  • undaunted
  • undecided
  • undeniable
  • undeniably
  • under
  • underage
  • underclass
  • underclassman
  • undercover
  • undercurrent
  • undercut
  • underdog
  • underestimate
  • undergo
  • undergrad
  • undergraduate
  • underground
  • undergrowth
  • underhanded
  • underline
  • underlying
  • undermine
  • underneath
  • undernourished
  • underpaid
  • underpants
  • underpass
  • underprivileged
  • underrate
  • underrated
  • underscore
  • undershirt
  • underside
  • understaffed
  • understand
  • understandable
  • understandably
  • understanding
  • understate
  • understated
  • understatement
  • understood
  • understudy
  • undertake
  • undertaken
  • undertaker
  • undertaking
  • undertone
  • undertook
  • undertow
  • underwater
  • underwear
  • underweight
  • underwent
  • underworld
  • underwrite
  • underwritten
  • underwrote
  • undesirable
  • undetermined
  • undeveloped
  • undid
  • undisclosed
  • undisturbed
  • undo
  • undoing
  • undone
  • undoubtedly
  • undress
  • undressed
  • undue
  • unduly
  • undying
  • unearth
  • unearthly
  • unease
  • uneasily
  • uneasiness
  • uneasy
  • uneducated
  • unemployed
  • unemployment
  • unending
  • unequal
  • unequally
  • unequivocal
  • unerring
  • uneven
  • unevenly
  • unexpected
  • unexpectedly
  • unfailing
  • unfair
  • unfairly
  • unfairness
  • unfaithful
  • unfamiliar
  • unfashionable
  • unfasten
  • unfavorable
  • unfeeling
  • unfit
  • unfold
  • unforeseen
  • unforgettable
  • unfortunate
  • unfortunately
  • unfounded
  • unfriendly
  • unfurl
  • ungainly
  • ungrateful
  • ungratefully
  • unhappily
  • unhappiness
  • unhappy
  • unhealthy
  • unheard-of
  • unholy
  • unhook
  • unicorn
  • unidentified
  • unification
  • uniform
  • uniformed
  • uniformity
  • uniformly
  • unify
  • unilateral
  • unimportant
  • uninhabitable
  • uninhibited
  • uninsured
  • unintelligible
  • uninterested
  • union
  • unionize
  • unique
  • uniquely
  • unisex
  • unison
  • unit
  • unite
  • united
  • United Kingdom
  • United Nations
  • United States
  • unity
  • universal
  • universally
  • universe
  • university
  • unjust
  • unjustified
  • unkempt
  • unkind
  • unkindly
  • unkindness
  • unknowingly
  • unknown
  • unlawful
  • unleaded
  • unleash
  • unless
  • unlike
  • unlikely
  • unlimited
  • unlisted
  • unload
  • unlock
  • unlucky
  • unmarked
  • unmarried
  • unmask
  • unmistakable
  • unmistakably
  • unmitigated
  • unmoved
  • unnatural
  • unnaturally
  • unnecessarily
  • unnecessary
  • unnerve
  • unnerving
  • unnoticed
  • unobtrusive
  • unoccupied
  • unofficial
  • unofficially
  • unorthodox
  • unpack
  • unpaid
  • unparalleled
  • unpleasant
  • unplug
  • unplugged
  • unpopular
  • unpopularity
  • unprecedented
  • unpredictable
  • unprepared
  • unprincipled
  • unprintable
  • unproductive
  • unprofessional
  • unprofitable
  • unprotected
  • unprovoked
  • unqualified
  • unquestionable
  • unquestionably
  • unquestioned
  • unravel
  • unreal
  • unrealistic
  • unreasonable
  • unreasonably
  • unrelenting
  • unreliable
  • unreserved
  • unresponsive
  • unrest
  • unrestrained
  • unrivaled
  • unroll
  • unruliness
  • unruly
  • unsafe
  • unsanitary
  • unsatisfactory
  • unsavory
  • unscathed
  • unscrew
  • unscrupulous
  • unseasonable
  • unseat
  • unseemly
  • unseen
  • unsettled
  • unsightly
  • unskilled
  • unsolicited
  • unsophisticated
  • unsound
  • unspeakable
  • unspecified
  • unspoken
  • unsportsmanlike
  • unstable
  • unsteady
  • unstoppable
  • unsuccessful
  • unsuccessfully
  • unsuitable
  • unsung
  • unsure
  • unsuspecting
  • untangle
  • untenable
  • unthinkable
  • unthinking
  • unthinkingly
  • untie
  • until
  • untimely
  • untiring
  • untold
  • untouchable
  • untoward
  • untried
  • untrue
  • untruthful
  • unused
  • unusual
  • unusually
  • unveil
  • unwanted
  • unwarranted
  • unwelcome
  • unwieldy
  • unwilling
  • unwind
  • unwise
  • unwitting
  • unwittingly
  • unwound
  • unwritten
  • unyielding
  • unzip
  • up
  • up-and-coming
  • upbeat
  • upbringing
  • upchuck
  • upcoming
  • update
  • upend
  • upfront
  • upgrade
  • upheaval
  • upheld
  • uphill
  • uphold
  • upholster
  • upholstered
  • upholstery
  • upkeep
  • uplifting
  • upon
  • upper
  • uppercase
  • upper class
  • upperclassman
  • uppermost
  • uppity
  • upright
  • uprising
  • uproar
  • uproot
  • upscale
  • upset
  • upshot
  • upside down
  • upside-down
  • upstage
  • upstairs
  • upstart
  • upstate
  • upstream
  • upsurge
  • upswing
  • uptake
  • uptight
  • up-to-date
  • up-to-the-minute
  • uptown
  • upturn
  • upward
  • upwards
  • uranium
  • Uranus
  • urban
  • urbane
  • urban renewal
  • urban sprawl
  • urchin
  • urge
  • urgency
  • urgent
  • urgently
  • urinate
  • urine
  • urn
  • US
  • us
  • USA
  • usage
  • use
  • used
  • used to
  • useful
  • usefully
  • usefulness
  • useless
  • uselessly
  • uselessness
  • user
  • user-friendly
  • usher
  • usual
  • usually
  • usurp
  • utensil
  • uteri
  • uterus
  • utility
  • utility room
  • utilization
  • utilize
  • utmost
  • utopia
  • utopian
  • utter
  • utterance
  • utterly
  • U-turn