What does LOM mean? What is the full form of LOM?

1, The full form of LOM is Lights-out Management. It’s used on Computing ,Networking in Worldwide

out-of-band management (sometimes called Lights-out Management or LOM) involves the use of a dedicated management channel for device maintenance. It allows a system administrator to monitor and manage servers and other network equipment by remote control regardless of whether the machine is powered on.

2, The full form of LOM is Locator Outer Marker. It’s used on Technology ,Airplanes & Aircraft in Worldwide

A Locator Outer Marker, or LOM, is a navigation aid used as part of an instrument landing system (ILS) instrument approach for aircraft in the United States and other countries.



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Do you want to know What does LOM mean? What is the full form of LOM?. Are you looking for What does LOM mean? What is the full form of LOM? What is LOM stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of LOM. The Full Form of LOM is‍ Lights-out Management, Locator Outer Marker
You also might want to know: how to pronounce LOM, how to pronounce Lights-out Management, how to pronounce Locator Outer Marker,
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What does LOM mean? What is the full form of LOM?
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