What does KMSL mean? What is the full form of KMSL?

The full form of KMSL is killing myself laughing

“KMSL” is an acronym you would send as a response to something funny. You can use “KMSL” genuinely, or you could use it as a sarcastic response to something that was not even close to being funny. “KMSL” stands for “killing myself laughing” and it generally means you are laughing very hard.

Other meanings of KMSL

Call me crazy but I love it when an acronym means one thing and one thing only. You don’t have to spend time analyzing what you’re talking about to figure out what the heck a string of letters means. You don’t have to go online and ask Google, who thinks it’s so smart because it always has the answers. You don’t need guides like these.

Wait, yes you do. Otherwise, how will you know that “KMSL” does not have any other meaning besides “killing myself laughing?



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Do you want to know What does KMSL mean? What is the full form of KMSL?. Are you looking for What does KMSL mean? What is the full form of KMSL? What is KMSL stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of KMSL. The Full Form of KMSL is‍ killing myself laughing
You also might want to know: how to pronounce KMSL, how to pronounce killing myself laughing,
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What does KMSL mean? What is the full form of KMSL?
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