Always是一个使某些作者感到困惑的单词。它是应该组合成一个单词Always还是拼写为两个单词All ways?
在这篇文章中,我将比较Always与All ways并说明如何正确使用它们。我将为每个示例提供一个或几个例句,还将讨论一个简单的记忆方法,以帮助您记住Always和All ways。
Always是什么意思? Always是一个副词,一直,总是的意思。
* I don’t always crave sushi, but when I do, I crave the California sunset roll at Bamboo Sushi.
* Asher always sings the same obscure R&B; deep cuts at karaoke night.
* If the rain dance doesn’t work, we can always offer a blood sacrifice to the harvest gods instead.
* As always, the talks could fall apart before a deal is reached. –The Wall Street Journal
All ways是什么意思? All ways是指所有方式的短语,其中方式可以表示方法,方向,条件等。
* All ways into the city are blocked by traffic.
* There are many approaches to woodworking, but all ways will lead to a fine finished product.
* Is he kind to her, does his presence allow her to invest more deeply in her career than if she were on her own, is she in a good place in all ways besides the financial? –The Washington Post
* All of the ways into the city are blocked by traffic.
* There are many approaches to woodworking, but each method will lead to a fine finished product.
这是记住All ways与Always的有用技巧。
在描述始终发生的事件或其他可能性时,请使用副词Always。 Always和adverb都是以A开头的单词,因此你只要记住always是一个副词就能与always区分开了。
您可能永远不应该单独使用短语All ways。通过将其分解或用更具体的短语代替它是更好的选择。
是用All ways还是Always?这两个词在拼写和发音上都非常接近。
* All ways是一个形容词短语,它指某个给定场景中的所有可能的方法,方向或条件。
* Always用于副词。
All ways通常不是格式正确的书写示例。如果可以,请尽量避免使用它。
如果您在决定选择All ways还是Always时遇到麻烦,请记住Always和adverb是以字母A开头的单个单词,因此always用作副词。
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