What does PAGAL mean? What is the full form of PAGAL?

The Full Form of PAGAL is P = persuasive A= attractive G= good looking A= adorable L= lovable.

persuasive: good at persuading someone to do or believe something through reasoning or the use of temptation.
Example: “an informative and persuasive speech”
attractive: having beneficial qualities or features that induce someone to accept what is being offered.
good looking: of good or attractive appearance; handsome or beautiful.
a good-looking young man.
adorable: inspiring great affection; delightful; charming.
“I have four adorable Siamese cats”

lovable: inspiring or deserving love or affection.

“a naughty but lovable child”



P = persuasive A= attractive G= good looking A= adorable L= lovablehow to pronounce P = persuasive A= attractive G= good looking A= adorable L= lovable

Translate P = persuasive A= attractive G= good looking A= adorable L= lovable to other language.

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Do you want to know What does PAGAL mean? What is the full form of PAGAL?. Are you looking for What does PAGAL mean? What is the full form of PAGAL? What is PAGAL stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of PAGAL. The Full Form of PAGAL is‍ P = persuasive A= attractive G= good looking A= adorable L= lovable
You also might want to know: how to pronounce PAGAL, how to pronounce P = persuasive A= attractive G= good looking A= adorable L= lovable,
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What does PAGAL mean? What is the full form of PAGAL?
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