What does DDPO mean? What is the full form of DDPO?

The Full Form of DDPO is District Development and Panchayat Officer.

He is the principal officer to help the Deputy Commissioner to carry on the community development and welfare programmes. He deals with the following subjects:-

  1. Work relating to the development.
  2. Five Year Plans and local development works.
  3. Panchayat Samitis, Local Bodies and Panchayats.

Block development and Panchayat officers work at the block level subordinate of District Development and Panchayat Officer. District Mahendergarh has 8 blocks, of which approximately 370 villages.



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Do you want to know What does DDPO mean? What is the full form of DDPO?. Are you looking for What does DDPO mean? What is the full form of DDPO? What is DDPO stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of DDPO. The Full Form of DDPO is‍ District Development and Panchayat Officer
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