The Full Form of GTIN is Global Trade Item Number.
A Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) is a unique and internationally recognized identifier for a product. When a GTIN is available, it will appear next to the barcode on your product’s packaging or book cover. Submit GTINs in your product data using the gtin
attribute to help us classify and display your products.
GTINs vary in length depending on the type of product and where the product will be sold. Here are the different GTINs you might encounter:
If your product does have a gtin, you can refer to the barcode on your product’s packaging or book cover. Take a look at the example barcodes below to get a sense of how the GTIN can be displayed on your product. Keep in mind that not all products have a GTIN. If you can’t find the GTIN, you can always contact the product’s manufacturer to ask for it.
Global Trade Item Number
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