What does FCR mean? What is the full form of FCR?

The full form of FCR is Flight Control Room.

mission control center (MCC, sometimes called a flight control center or operations center) is a facility that manages space flights, usually from the point of launch until landing or the end of the mission. It is part of the ground segment of spacecraft operations. A staff of flight controllers and other support personnel monitor all aspects of the mission using telemetry, and send commands to the vehicle using ground stations. Personnel supporting the mission from an MCC can include representatives of the attitude control system, power, propulsion, thermal, attitude dynamics, orbital operations and other subsystem disciplines. The training for these missions usually falls under the responsibility of the flight controllers, typically including extensive rehearsals in the MCC.



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Do you want to know What does FCR mean? What is the full form of FCR?. Are you looking for What does FCR mean? What is the full form of FCR? What is FCR stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of FCR. The Full Form of FCR is‍ Flight Control Room
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