What does RPAD mean? What is the full form of RPAD?

The full form of RPAD is Registered Post with Acknowledge Due.

Sometimes law requires us to send “Registered Post A. D.” under a various provision in legal matters, This “Registered Post A. D.” means Registered Post with Acknowledgement Due or Register Acknowledgement. You may often see this on the top of legal letters.

In general postal service, we send a letter to reach a certain destination and we believe that would land to its purposeful receiver, however, that might not be case always but in certain legal issues we can not just take that type of risk where there is a risk of ending up on the wrong hand, therefore a check system is maintained by getting an “Acknowledgement” from the receiver by a piece of paper with his sign (or who receives on behalf of him) that confirms the document is properly served, which is very important in complex legal issues and can be used as evidence in the court. That signed document (of receipt) is then delivered backed to the sender and the post office kept all the record (Registered). that’s why the evidential value of “Registered Post A. D.” too high and that much important.

How to send a Registered Post with Acknowledgement Due (AD)?

First, you have to write down the name of the sender and receiver unlike any other letter [ in the left side write down the name and full address of the sender and on top of it write “From” ; similarly, on the other side write down the name and full address of the receiver and on top of it write “TO” 

Then, you have to go to the nearest post office tell them that you want to send a letter/notice with AD and then they will provide you with a slip which is printed on both side, on one side of it write down the sender’s name and address or where the sender wants to receive the receipt copy of the acknowledgement. Then attach that slip with the envelope on the opposite side where you put sender’s and receiver’s address. after completing this go to the AD counter and submit it, It may take 10 (ten) to 20 (twenty) taka for per AD Letter then they will provide you with a separate receipt of the payment. Your part of the job is done here.



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Do you want to know What does RPAD mean? What is the full form of RPAD?. Are you looking for What does RPAD mean? What is the full form of RPAD? What is RPAD stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of RPAD. The Full Form of RPAD is‍ Registered Post with Acknowledge Due
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