The full form of CaBi is Capital Bikeshare. It’s used on Transport & Travel ,Land Transport in United States Capital Bikeshare (CaBi) is a bicycle sharing system in the United States.
The full form of THD is Total Harmonic Distortion. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Electronics in Worldwide Total Harmonic Distortion or THD, of a signal is a measurement of the harmonic distortion present and is
The full form of Binance is Binary + Finance. It’s used on Business ,Companies & Corporations in Worldwide Binance is a cryptocurrency trading platform based in China. The name Binance stands for Binary or Bit and
The full form of FDP is Free Democratic Party. It’s used on Governmental ,Politics in Germany The Free Democratic Party abbreviated to FDP, is a centre-right classical liberal political party in Germany.
The full form of CSIND is Coastal Shipping and Inland Navigation Department. It’s used on Governmental ,Departments & Agencies in India Coastal Shipping and Inland Navigation Department (CSIND) is a governmental
The full form of SATTE is South Asia Travel and Tourism Exchange. It’s used on Associations & Organizations ,Conferences & Events in India SATTE, originally South Asia Travel and Tourism Exchange is one of
1, The full form of TCP is Transmission Control Protocol. It’s used on Computing ,Protocols in Worldwide The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is one of the core protocols of the Internet Protocol Suite. 2, The full
1, The full form of EECE is Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Courses in Worldwide Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering (EECE) is a branch of
1, The full form of LOP is Loss of Pay. It’s used on Business ,Business Terms in Worldwide Loss of pay is done when an employee does not come to work and apply for leave. It means, no salary will be paid for a
The full form of JEE is Joint Entrance Examination. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Exams & Tests in India Joint Entrance Examination (JEE ) is an annual college entrance examination in India, for admissions
1, The full form of PFF is Pakistan Football Federation. It’s used on Sports & Games ,Football in Pakistan Pakistan Football Federation (PFF) is the governing body of Football in Pakistan. 2, The full form of PFF
1, The full form of mg is milligram. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Units in Worldwide Milligram (mg) is a unit of mass equal to one thousandth (10-3) of a gram. 2, The full form of mg is Malagasy. It’s