What does AUI mean? What is the full form of AUI?

The Full Form of AUI is‍ Attachment unit interface.

The Attachment Unit Interface (AUI) is a physical and logical interface defined in the original IEEE 802.3 standard for 10BASE5 Ethernet. The (optional) physical interface consists of a 15-pin connection that provides a path between an Ethernet node’s Physical Signaling and the Medium Attachment Unit (MAU), sometimes also known as a transceiver.



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Do you want to know What does AUI mean? What is the full form of AUI?. Are you looking for What does AUI mean? What is the full form of AUI? What is AUI stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of AUI. The Full Form of AUI is‍ Attachment unit interface
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What does AUI mean? What is the full form of AUI?
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