The Full Form of BBNL is Bharat Broadband Network Limited.
BharatNet, also known as Bharat Broadband Network Limited, is a telecom infrastructure provider, set up by the Government of India under the Department of Telecommunications for the establishment, management, and operation of the National Optical Fibre Network to provide a minimum of 100 Mbit/s broadband connectivity to all 250,000 gram panchayats in the country, covering nearly 625,000 villages, to improve telecommunications in India and reach the campaign goal of Digital India. The last mile connectivity, with a total of 700,000 Wi-Fi hotspots to cover all 625,000 villages of India by adding 2 to 5 Wi-Fi hotspots per gram panchayat and a minimum of one Wi-Fi hotspot per village, have been created by connecting high-speed 4G base tower stations of commercial telecom operators to BharatNet, whereby commercially non-viable Wi-Fi hotspots will be subsidised by the union government grant of ₹36 billion (equivalent to ₹41 billion, US$570 million or €520 million in 2019) to sustain the operation.The government has discounted the bulk BharatNet bandwidth rates to the commercial telecom operators by 76% to enable them to offer the highly discounted, affordable, competitive, and commercially viable BharatNet-enabled wireless cellular 4G broadband deals to the rural customers.The ₹450 billion (equivalent to ₹510 billion, US$7.1 billion or €6.6 billion in 2019) union government share of funding will come from the Universal Services Obligation Fund of the Department of Telecommunications.It will be rolled out with the additional funding by state governments to connect all gram panchayats in India.BharatNet is the world’s largest rural broadband connectivity program.It is built under the Make in India initiative with no involvement of foreign companies
Bharat Broadband Network Limited
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