What does Christmas mean? What is the full form of Christmas?

The full form of Christmas is from Old English: Crīstesmæsse, literally “Christ’s mass”. It’s used on Society & Culture ,Religion & Spirituality in Worldwide

Christmas (or the Feast of the Nativity) is an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, observed primarily on December 25 as a religious and cultural celebration among billions of people around the world. A feast central to the Christian liturgical year, it is preceded by the season of Advent or the Nativity Fast and initiates the season of Christmastide, which historically in the West lasts twelve days and culminates on Twelfth Night. Christmas Day is a public holiday in many of the world’s nations,  is celebrated religiously by a majority of Christians, as well as culturally by many non-Christians, and forms an integral part of the holiday season centered around it.

The traditional Christmas narrative, the Nativity of Jesus, delineated in the New Testament says that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, in accordance with messianic prophecies. When Joseph and Mary arrived in the city, the inn had no room and so they were offered a stable where the Christ Child was soon born, with angels proclaiming this news to shepherds who then further disseminated the information

Crīstesmæsse (rihte, sēo Crīstes mæsse ) is geþēaƿe hāligdæg in þǣm crīstenum gerimbōcum þæt gǣþ æt gēolmōnaþes ende and gebrēmaþ þā cennesse Iesus Crīstes. Ēac gebrēmaþ man hīe sƿā ƿoruldes hāligdæg in mænigum stedum þǣre ƿorulde, geinniande rīcu mid gehƿǣdum Crīstenum folce, tō bisne Japane. Sēo sōþtīd and se stǣr Iesuses cennesse is uncūþ and under cnēatung (sēo Iesus).

Crīstesmæsse nēoteþ gehƿilces sida þæs Hǣðna gēolan. Lārbysne, se Crīstemæssan pīntrēoƿ and se giefan þā lāce sind hǣðne. “Santa Claus” and “Sinterklaas” sind geondblāƿen on þone hǣðene godgield Ƿōden

Innan þǣre ēastcirican, frēolsiaþ þā crīstemenn Grēclandes and sclavisces landes Crīstesmæssan on þǣm seofoða dæge Æfterra Gēolan on þǣre Gregoriscan gerīmbēc, þone on þǣre Iulianiscan gerīmbēc is eallswā on þǣm 25 Gēolsmonaþ.



from Old English: Crīstesmæsse, literally “Christ’s mass”how to pronounce from Old English: Crīstesmæsse, literally “Christ’s mass”

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Do you want to know What does CHRISTMAS mean? What is the full form of CHRISTMAS?. Are you looking for What does CHRISTMAS mean? What is the full form of CHRISTMAS? What is CHRISTMAS stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of CHRISTMAS. The Full Form of CHRISTMAS is‍ from Old English: Crīstesmæsse, literally “Christ’s mass”
You also might want to know: how to pronounce CHRISTMAS, how to pronounce from Old English: Crīstesmæsse, literally “Christ’s mass”,
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What does CHRISTMAS mean? What is the full form of CHRISTMAS?
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