What does Codec mean? What is the full form of Codec?

The full form of Codec is Coder-Decoder. It’s used on Computing ,Codec in Worldwide

coder/decoder, which converts analog voice into digital data and back again, and may also compress and decompress the data for more efficient transmission.

codec is a device or computer program which encodes or decodes a digital data stream or signal. Codec is a portmanteau of coder-decoder.

In electronic communications, an endec is a device which acts as both an encoder and a decoder on a signal or data stream, and hence is a type of codec. Endec is a portmanteau of encoder-decoder.

A coder or encoder encodes a data stream or a signal for transmission or storage, possibly in encrypted form, and the decoder function reverses the encoding for playback or editing. Codecs are used in videoconferencing, streaming media, and video editing applications.



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Do you want to know What does CODEC mean? What is the full form of CODEC?. Are you looking for What does CODEC mean? What is the full form of CODEC? What is CODEC stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of CODEC. The Full Form of CODEC is‍ Coder-Decoder
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What does CODEC mean? What is the full form of CODEC?
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