What does CPSMS mean? What is the full form of CPSMS?

The Full Form of CPSMS is‍ Central Plan Scheme Monitoring System.

The Central Plan Scheme Monitoring System (CPSMS) (now called Public Finance Management System or PFMS) is a Government of India public financial management reforms initiative which monitors programs in the social sector and tracks funds disbursed. Given the large number programs on which the money is spent, the CPSMS is an initiative by the Indian Central Government to ensure that the money is spent according to its intended purpose, and provide an accounting of same.

The Central Plan Scheme Monitoring System is a Central Sector Plan Scheme of the Planning Commission and is being implemented by the Office of the Controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance. Users can get information on centrally sponsored schemes, banks, implementing agencies etc. Implementing agencies registration manual is also provided for various welfare schemes. Registration facilities for agencies and other stake holders are provided. Users guide, FAQs, downloadable reports, etc. are available.



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Do you want to know What does CPSMS mean? What is the full form of CPSMS?. Are you looking for What does CPSMS mean? What is the full form of CPSMS? What is CPSMS stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of CPSMS. The Full Form of CPSMS is‍ Central Plan Scheme Monitoring System
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