What does DAGMAR mean? What is the full form of DAGMAR?

The Full Form of DAGMAR is‍ Defining advertising goals for measured advertising results.

DAGMAR (defining advertising goals for measured advertising results) is a marketing model used to establish clear objectives for an advertising campaign and measure its success. The DAGMAR model was introduced by Russell Colley in a 1961 report to the Association of National Advertisers and was expanded upon in 1995 by Solomon Dutka.


  • The DAGMAR model defines the four steps of an effective advertising campaign as causing awareness, comprehension, conviction, and action.
  • The model stresses defining the segment of the market that the campaign seeks to reach.
  • DAGMAR also requires an evaluation of the campaign’s success against a pre-set benchmark.

The DAGMAR approach advocates a marketing strategy that guides the consumer through four phases: awareness, comprehension, conviction, and action. That path has become known by its acronym as the ACCA formula. The four steps of the campaign are as follows:

  • Generating awareness of the brand among consumers
  • Increasing comprehension of the product and its benefits
  • Convincing consumers that they need the product
  • Persuading consumers to buy it

The DAGMAR method contains two goals. The first is to develop a communication task that accomplishes those specific ACCA steps. The second is to make sure that the success of those goals can be measured against a baseline.

Colley believed that effective advertising seeks to communicate rather than sell. He specified four basic requirements for evaluating the effectiveness of an advertising campaign: 

  • Be concrete and measurable
  • Define the target audience or market
  • Identify the benchmark and the degree of change expected
  • Specify a period during which to accomplish the objective



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Do you want to know What does DAGMAR mean? What is the full form of DAGMAR?. Are you looking for What does DAGMAR mean? What is the full form of DAGMAR? What is DAGMAR stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of DAGMAR. The Full Form of DAGMAR is‍ Defining advertising goals for measured advertising results
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