What does DCWG mean? What is the full form of DCWG?

The full form of DCWG is DNS Changer Working Group. It’s used on Computing ,Internet in Worldwide

The DNS Changer Working Group (DCWG) is a group that helps remediate Rove Digital’s malicious DNS servers. It helps monitor DNS servers that run by Internet Systems Consortium.

The group consists of subject matter experts and includes members from organizations such as Georgia Tech, Internet Systems Consortium, Mandiant, National

Cyber-Forensics and Training Alliance, Neustar, Spamhaus, Team Cymru, Trend Micro, and the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

DNSChanger is a DNS hijacking Trojan. The work of an Estonian company known as Rove Digital, the malware infected computers by modifying a computer’s DNS entries to point toward its own rogue name servers, which then injected its own advertising into Web pages. At its peak, DNSChanger was estimated to have infected over four million computers, bringing in at least US$14 million in profits to its operator from fraudulent advertising revenue.



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Do you want to know What does DCWG mean? What is the full form of DCWG?. Are you looking for What does DCWG mean? What is the full form of DCWG? What is DCWG stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of DCWG. The Full Form of DCWG is‍ DNS Changer Working Group
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