The full form of DFAC is dining facility
The acronym “DFAC” used to represent the phrase “dining facility.” It is used as a shortened slang term to indicate a dining hall.
Origin of DFAC
There is no specific information on the origin of the acronym/abbreviation “DFAC” concerning a point in time. However, the location of the origin is certain. This term originated in the military as a form of military slang for the mess hall. The mess hall is where military personnel is required to go and eat.
Other Meanings
There are two other definitions of the acronym “DFAC.” The first says that “DFAC” represents the phrase “disregard females, acquire currency.” This is said to be a less vulgar way of saying “f$%k b#$ches, get money.” Another says the acronym “DFAC” represents the organization “Dowdy Ferry Animal Commission” based in Dallas, Texas.
Example Conversations
A text conversation between two former military members.
Member 1: It was so much fun during basic training.
Member 2: Right?! Remember all those hilarious times we had in the DFAC throwing stuff on each other’s trays when someone’s back was turned and then that someone wondering where the heck all the food on their tray came from?
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