What does KOT mean? What is the full form of KOT?

The Full Form of KOT is Kitchen Order Tickets.

A Kitchen Order Ticket is simply the order that a customer places. The server takes the order and punches it into the POS system. The POS system then prints a ticket via compatible printers. This printed ticket is then sent to the kitchen and all the order data is retained inside the POS. This data can then be used to generate daily sales reports and more. 



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Do you want to know What does KOT mean? What is the full form of KOT?. Are you looking for What does KOT mean? What is the full form of KOT? What is KOT stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of KOT. The Full Form of KOT is‍ Kitchen Order Tickets
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What does KOT mean? What is the full form of KOT?
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