What does DTF mean? What is the full form of DTF?

The full form of DTF is Down to Fornicate.

DTF stands for ‘Down to Fornicate’. That ‘Fornicate’ refers to a naughty word that means ‘fornicate’. The ‘down to’ means ‘up for’, which can be confusing. It means ‘open and enthusiastic to doing a thing’. So being DTF means that you would be interested in having sexual relations with someone. Does this make sense? Now, on to the usage. DTF can be used to denote a casual dating setup rather than a formal relationship. Someone might say, for example, ‘I’m not looking for anything serious, I’m just DTF’.

Fornication is generally consensual sexual intercourse between two people not married to each other.When one or more of the partners having consensual sexual intercourse is a married person, it is called adultery.

For many people, the term carries an overtone of moral or religious disapproval, but the significance of sexual acts to which the term is applied varies between religions, societies and cultures. In modern usage, the term is often replaced with more judgment-neutral terms like premarital sex or extramarital sex.

As you navigate the choppy waters of dating in an attempt to find a stable (relation)ship, you shall encounter a strange and mysterious language that you must decipher.

This is a world in which you must know the difference between ‘dating’ and ‘seeing each other’, in which you need a detailed knowledge of dating trends from zombieing to stashing. And, of course, you must learn your abbreviations, so you don’t mix up your DTR with your DTF. In today’s lesson we shall discuss what it means to be DTF. There will be a test at the end, so pay attention.

DTF Down to Fish
DTF Din Tai Fung (restaurant; various locations)
DTF Department of Taxation and Finance (New York)
DTF Department of Treasury and Finance (Australia)
DTF Distributed Terascale Facility (National Science Foundation distributed supercomputing grid)
DTF Developing the Future (UK)
DTF Distance to Finish (sailing regattas)
DTF Drug Task Force
DTF De Toute Façon (French: Anyway)
DTF Distance-To-Fault (cabling)
DTF Diffusion Technique Française (French medical supply company)
DTF Dynamic Text Field
DTF Dial Tone First
DTF Distributed Function Terminal
DTF Data File
DTF Digital Training Facilities
DTF Dansk Tennis Forbund
DTF Diesel Technology Forum
DTF Define The File
DTF Doomed to Fail
DTF Dental Treatment Facility
DTF Digital Tape Format
DTF Down to Frisbee
DTF Digital Transmission Facility
DTF Dave Thomas Foundation
DTF Deployment Task Force (Dutch troops in Afghanistan)
DTF Digital Training Facility
DTF Development Test Facility
DTF Data Transmission Facility
DTF Day Treatment Facility
DTF Duties, Taxes and Fees
DTF Discrete Trial Format
DTF Dansk Taekwondo Forbund (Danish Taekwondo Association)
DTF Development Test Flight
DTF Diaspora Togolaise en France (French: Togolese Diaspora in France)
DTF Data Transmission Feature
DTF Down to Fellowship
DTF Destination de Tourisme en Famille (French: Family Holiday Destination)
DTF Downtime Failure
DTF Dedicated Toll Free
DTF Depósitos Termino Fijo (Spanish: Fixed Term Deposits; Colombia)
DTF Dream-Team Fansub (France)
DTF Data Translation Facility
DTF Domene Technologies Formations (French: Domene Technology Training)
DTF Drop-Tube Furnace
DTF Delaware Town Famous (band)
DTF Della Toffola France (Italian manufacturing group)
DTF Delaware Teaching Fellows (Delaware Department of Education)
DTF Dial Tone First payphone
DTF Discrete Time Fourier
DTF Dead Tree Format (paper files)
DTF Diabetes Trust Foundation (formerly Diabetes Trust Fund)
DTF Dans Ton Fion (French gaming clan)
DTF Danish Tree Federation
DTF Digital Trunk Frame
DTF DHAPP (Department of Defense HIV/AIDS) Prevention Program Travel Form
DTF Database Transfer Form
DTF Digital Test Data Format
DTF Digital Terrain File
DTF Distribution Time/Frequency
DTF Document Transmission Facility
DTF Development & Training Flight (US Air Force)
DTF Down to Fornicate




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Do you want to know What does DTF mean? What is the full form of DTF?. Are you looking for What does DTF mean? What is the full form of DTF? What is DTF stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of DTF. The Full Form of DTF is‍ Down to Fornicate
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