What does .EDU mean? What is the full form of .EDU?

The full form of .EDU is Educational

The domain name edu is a sponsored top-level domain (sTLD) in the Domain Name System of the Internet. The domain was implemented in 1985 for the purpose of creating a domain name hierarchy for organizations with a focus on education, even for non-U.S.-affiliated entities. Since 2001, new registrants for second-level domain names have been required to be United States–affiliated institutions of higher education.

The domain edu was implemented in April 1985 as a generic top-level domain. Six universities were the initial registrants that month. UCLA was among this group of the first schools to have their URLs registered. And while the first ARPAnet message was sent from UCLA to Stanford, Stanford did not have their URL registered until half a year after these first schools, becoming the 18th .edu site.



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Do you want to know What does .EDU mean? What is the full form of .EDU?. Are you looking for What does .EDU mean? What is the full form of .EDU? What is .EDU stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of .EDU. The Full Form of .EDU is‍ Educational
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What does .EDU mean? What is the full form of .EDU?
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