The Full Form of ETOP is Environment threat and opportunity profil.
The Environmental factors are quite complex and it may be difficult for strategy managers to classify them into neat categories to interpret them as opportunities and threats. A matrix of comparison is drawn where one item or factor is compared with other items after which the scores arrived at are added and ranked for each factor and total weight age score calculated for prioritizing each of the factors.
- ETOP analysis (environmental threat and opportunity profile) is the process by which organizations monitor their relevant environment to identify opportunities and threats affecting their business for the purpose of taking strategic decisions.
- 3. Why ETOP is needed? • Helps organization to identify opportunities and threats • To consolidate and strengthen organizations position • Provides the strategists of which sectors have a favorable impact on the organization • Help organization know where it stands with respect to its environment • Helps in formulating appropriate strategy • Helps in formulating SWOT analysis (Strategic weakness, opportunities and threats)
- 4. How to prepare an ETOP? Dividing the environment into different sectors such as economical, market, social, international, legal, technological, political, ecological, etc. Analyzing the impact of each sector on the organization Sub-dividing each environmental sector into sub factors Impact of each sub-sector on organization in form of a statement
- 5. Environmental Factors
- 6. Example of ETOP Analysis Lets take the example of the environment analysis of Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) Variable Opportunity Threat Economic Infrastructural development is enhanced. This development includes power supply, transport and internal consumption Resource constraints. Technological Organization’s production increases and technology upgrades that helps the organization to grow Supplier Scarcity of resources due to implementation often new technology. Government Liberalization of technology import policy. Applying new rules and policies for the organization Competitor To hold the market, organization needs to take the risks based on new ideas to raise the market demand.
- 7. Thank you Presented by- Arun Gupta MBA(2016-18)
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