What does EXPO mean? What is the full form of EXPO?

The Full Form of EXPO is Exposition.

Exposition is a literary device that is designed to convey important information, within a short story or novel, to the reader. Writers utilize exposition to provide essential backstory for characters, plot, and other narrative elements. This background information allows the reader of a story to emotionally invest in the narrative’s arc, characters, and action. Exposition also enhances the reader’s understanding of a literary work and encourages their connection to it.

Narrative exposition is the insertion of background information within a story or narrative. This information can be about the setting, characters’ backstories, prior plot events, historical context, etc. In literature, exposition appears in the form of expository writing embedded within the narrative.

  • a clear and full explanation of an idea or theory:

They were awarded the gold medal for excellence at the Paris Exposition in 1900.

The Eastern States Exposition is held annually in Storrowtown Village.

  • a large-scale public exhibition or show, as of art or manufactured products:

an exposition of 19th-century paintings; an automobile exposition.

  •  the act of expounding, setting forth, or explaining:

the exposition of a point of view.

  • writing or speech primarily intended to convey information or to explain; a detailed statement or explanation;

explanatory treatise:The students prepared expositions on familiar essay topics.

  • the act of presenting to view; display:

The singer gave a splendid exposition of vocal talent.




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