What does FCGP mean? What is the full form of FCGP?

The Full Form of FCGP is Fellowship of College of General Practice.

Fellowship by Assessment (FBA) is an award for the Royal College of General Practitioners’ (RCGP) members who can demonstrate high standards of patient care in their practices. Since 1989 nearly 300 general practitioners (GPs) have been awarded Fellowship, the College’s highest award, by this route. Patient care improves through FBA, in part through a culture of continuing education. FBA is a considerable achievement for GPs but requires great energy. FBA has developed considerably over the past 15 years and is now aligned with Good Medical Practice for General Practice. It has influenced, and in turn has been influenced by: General Medical Council statements on good medical practice, other RCGP awards and programmes, and the new General Medical Services contract.



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Do you want to know What does FCGP mean? What is the full form of FCGP?. Are you looking for What does FCGP mean? What is the full form of FCGP? What is FCGP stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of FCGP. The Full Form of FCGP is‍ Fellowship of College of General Practice
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