What does GMERS mean? What is the full form of GMERS?

The Full Form of GMERS is‍ Gujarat Medical Education & Research Society.

GMERS Medical College, Gandhinagar is an academic institution of repute under The Gujarat Medical Education and Research Society of Department of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Gujarat and located in the city of Gandhinagar, Capital of Gujarat State in Western India. It is one of the fastest growing Medical College of Gujarat. The institute strives to be among the top medical colleges in India in the spheres of medical education, research and health care services. The GMERS Medical College, Gandhinagar stands testimony to the high professional standards aimed for and achieved by The Gujarat Medical Education and Research Society.

The foundation stone of the Medical College was laid down in the year of 2010, and the college started functioning from August 2012 with the batch of 150 students. Attached to the college is the 650 bedded, academic teaching hospital, General Hospital Gandhinagar. The college and hospital are located in 42 acres campus located in the central Gandhinagar, 1 km from Gandhinagar Railway Station, 10 kms from Sardar Patel Internal Airport, Ahmedabad and just a walkable distance from the State Transport bus Main terminus. It is affiliated to the prestigious and largest university of Gujarat, Gujarat University.

The Campus spread over lush green area of 42 acres which houses teaching hospital, Auditorium, Doctor Staff quarters, Nursing staff quarters, Resident quarters, Boys’ hostel, Girls’ hostel, Play Ground, and other supportive facilities.

Since its inception the college is progressing in providing quality Undergraduate (M.B.B.S) medical education recognized by the Medical Council of India, to students of Gujarat. It also provides comprehensive facilities for research and patient care. The Pre and Para clinical departments of this college support all the clinical departments in providing treatment for practically all types of medical conditions.

The high standards maintained by the College have attracted students from all over the world. Several collaborations for teaching and research have vastly enhanced the reputation of the College.

The medical campus is free from ragging activities and fully observes Prevention of Ragging Regulation, 2009. We recognize Ragging as an offence which is completely prohibited and is discouraged.



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Do you want to know What does GMERS mean? What is the full form of GMERS?. Are you looking for What does GMERS mean? What is the full form of GMERS? What is GMERS stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of GMERS. The Full Form of GMERS is‍ Gujarat Medical Education & Research Society
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