What does GPSS mean? What is the full form of GPSS?

The Full Form of GPSS is‍ General Purpose Simulation System.

GPSS, General Purpose Simulation System, is a language to simulate discrete systems to see how they perform over time. Sample uses include modeling a checkout at a supermarket or how a manufacturing assembly line will work. The programmer defines how transactions are created (eg a shopper), what resources are available (eg how many checkouts and how long they take to process) and how transactions move through the system. When run, it simulates a clock and processes these transactions, giving output that shows the performance of the system, eg how long on average a shopper had to queue for and how busy the checkouts where during a simulated day.


GPSS was created by Geoffrey Gordon in around 1961 and was originally implemented on IBM systems. The version we have on MTS, GPSS/360, is available as *GPSS. Later versions of GPSS such as GPSS/H did run on MTS and may be available in future distributions (see this message at the MTS Archive).



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Do you want to know What does GPSS mean? What is the full form of GPSS?. Are you looking for What does GPSS mean? What is the full form of GPSS? What is GPSS stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of GPSS. The Full Form of GPSS is‍ General Purpose Simulation System
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