What does i.e mean? What is the full form of i.e?

The Full Form of i.e is‍ That is.

i.e. is the abbreviation for the Latin phrase id est, meaning “that is.” This abbreviation is used when you want to specify something mentioned previously; it can be used interchangeably with “specifically” or “namely.” Here are some examples: “Only one city, i.e., London, has hosted the Summer Olympics three times.”

used to introduce or follow a clarification, interpretation, or correction of something already said.
“He was a long-haired kid with freckles. Last time I saw him, that is”



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Do you want to know What does I.E mean? What is the full form of I.E?. Are you looking for What does I.E mean? What is the full form of I.E? What is I.E stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of I.E. The Full Form of I.E is‍ That is
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What does I.E mean? What is the full form of I.E?
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