What does IMGC mean? What is the full form of IMGC?

The Full Form of IMGC is India’s first Mortgage Guarantee Company.

India Mortgage Guarantee Corporation (IMGC) is India’s first Mortgage Guarantee Company (MGC). We empower housing finance ecosystem by enabling lenders to enhance their credit offering.

India Mortgage Guarantee Corporation (IMGC) is India’s first Mortgage Guarantee company (MGC). IMGC came into being with a vision of facilitating early home ownership by mitigating credit risk for home loan lenders.

IMGC started operations in 2014 . It is regulated by the Reserve Bank of India under the Mortgage Guarantee guidelines issued in 2008. The company now works with 17 lender partners including the top 5 originators. These comprise Banks, Housing Finance Companies and NBFCs. The comprehensive product offerings span across individual loans and bulk mortgage portfolios.

Operations are managed by a team of highly experienced and capable professionals from diverse backgrounds. The company has offices in Noida and Mumbai.



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Do you want to know What does IMGC mean? What is the full form of IMGC?. Are you looking for What does IMGC mean? What is the full form of IMGC? What is IMGC stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of IMGC. The Full Form of IMGC is‍ India’s first Mortgage Guarantee Company
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