What does IPI mean? What is the full form of IPI?

The full form of IPI is International Press Institute

The International Press Institute (IPI) is a global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists who share a common dedication to quality, independent journalism. Together, we promote the conditions that allow journalism to fulfill its public function, the most important of which is the media’s ability to operate free from interference and without fear of retaliation.

IPI’s mission is to defend media freedom and the free flow of news wherever they are threatened.

IPI is an association of media professionals representing leading digital, print and broadcast news outlets in nearly 100 countries. Our membership provides the clearest evidence possible of the universality of media freedom and the basic values of journalism.

Thanks to its members, IPI speaks with a unique and powerful voice on behalf of media freedom.

IPI members work cooperatively to shape debate on policies affecting the media and to push back against those seeking to restrict the free flow of news and information in order to protect political, economic or other interests. Equally important, IPI membership offers solidarity in the face of oppression. Throughout its decades-long history, the strength of IPI’s network has shielded journalists from attack or forced violators of media freedom to backtrack amid global exposure of their actions.



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Do you want to know What does IPI mean? What is the full form of IPI?. Are you looking for What does IPI mean? What is the full form of IPI? What is IPI stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of IPI. The Full Form of IPI is‍ International Press Institute
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