What does JCBL mean? What is the full form of JCBL?

The Full Form of JCBL is‍ JC coach Builders Limited.

JCBL Limited, one of the renowned and committed coachbuilders in North India was formed in 1989, with a mission to design and manufacture high-quality buses and load carriers that are innovative in style and engineering whilst maintaining standards of reliability. With our well-known presence in the transport industry for over 30 years, we are committed to satisfying the needs of the customer market both locally and internationally.

JCBL has a strong customer base comprising of leading Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) like Swaraj Mazda, Eicher, Tata Motors, Ashok Leyland, State Transport Undertakings (STUs), providing transport solutions to prime fleet operators, schools, and institutions in the country. The company rolls out around 5000 buses/luxury coaches per annum. JCBL provides custom automotive modifications and a wide range of products, including

  • Luxury Buses
  • School Buses
  • Special Application Vehicles
  • Motorhomes
  • Ambulances
  • Cargo Containers
  • Armoured Vehicles
  • Tippers & Tip Trailers
  • Heavy Haulage
  • Agriculture Implements



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Do you want to know What does JCBL mean? What is the full form of JCBL?. Are you looking for What does JCBL mean? What is the full form of JCBL? What is JCBL stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of JCBL. The Full Form of JCBL is‍ JC coach Builders Limited
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