What does LRN mean? What is the full form of LRN?

The Full Form of LRN is Location Routing Number.

Local Number Portability ( LNP ) is made technically feasible by the Location Routing Number (LRN), a unique 10-digit telephone number assigned to each switch. The LRN approach made it possible to introduce LNP without radically changing the Public Switched Telephone Network. It allowed the existing routing paradigm to remain in place, permitting a gradual conversion of the network to handle LNP traffic.



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Do you want to know What does LRN mean? What is the full form of LRN?. Are you looking for What does LRN mean? What is the full form of LRN? What is LRN stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of LRN. The Full Form of LRN is‍ Location Routing Number
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What does LRN mean? What is the full form of LRN?
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