What does LAPU mean? What is the full form of LAPU?

The Full Form of LAPU is Local Area Payment Unit.

LAPU recharge is method of processing the recharges for the telecommunicationoperators through the prescribed sim cards offered by the operator to processin the , offer services to the clients.
The person who possess this sim card, needs to get in touch with the localdistributor buy in the sufficient load of the particular operator, and there in after can use this load tooffer the recharge services to the concerned clients of that particularoperator. In this trading business, the person offering services makes in anhandful profit



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Do you want to know What does LAPU mean? What is the full form of LAPU?. Are you looking for What does LAPU mean? What is the full form of LAPU? What is LAPU stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of LAPU. The Full Form of LAPU is‍ Local Area Payment Unit
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What does LAPU mean? What is the full form of LAPU?
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