What does LSHS mean? What is the full form of LSHS?

The Full Form of LSHS is‍ Low Sulphur Heavy Stock.

Low Sulphur Heavy Stock (LSHS) is a residual fuel processed from crude oil. This fuel is used mainly in applications similar to furnace oils.The difference between LSHS and Furnace oil is Higher Pour Point, High calorific Value and Low Sulphur Content. As this fuel has higher pour point than that of FO it requires special handling arrangements. LSHS is handled hot at all stages and is always maintained above



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Do you want to know What does LSHS mean? What is the full form of LSHS?. Are you looking for What does LSHS mean? What is the full form of LSHS? What is LSHS stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of LSHS. The Full Form of LSHS is‍ Low Sulphur Heavy Stock
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What does LSHS mean? What is the full form of LSHS?
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